A Showcase of Happy Photographs from Pinterest
The internet is so cram-packed with wonderful imagery and ideas that it can be hard to keep track of everything you love. That’s where Pinterest comes in. This increasingly popular website serves as a virtual pinboard, allowing its members to collect everything from their favourite recipes and future hairstyles to dream holiday destinations and motivational photographs. You can use Pinterest for all sorts but with this top ten we’ve decided to boil things down, so below you’ll find a collection of photographs that we simply hope will make you smile…
1) Technicolour hot air balloon
Creating the impression of a manmade rainbow, this technicolour hot air balloon is gorgeous to look at. The way the lines radiate from one central point only adds to the impressive visual, and the person stood in front of the silk gives us an idea of the size of the balloon, making it infinitely more striking.
2) Flappers
These flappers are all about having a ball! The grainy black and white finish emphasises that they are not of our time, but it’s their faces and various expressions that really captivate you. The fact that their left legs are all almost parallel with each-other adds to the humour of the photograph.
3) Macaroon rainbow
Due to their delicacy and vibrancy these macaroons have a wonderfully decadent feel about them. The raspberry pinks, sunshine yellows and meadow greens are thoroughly playful and the haphazard rows add character to the composition. It’s pretty hard to look at this picture without feeling slightly tempted…
4) Leaping lamb
This jubilant photograph is clearly all about timing! The leaping lamb reminds us of the type most of us count while trying to get to sleep, while the angle of its head makes it look wonderfully playful. The contrast of the blue sky with the green grass adds to the cartoon-like simplicity of this brilliant snap.
5) Marilyn and Sammy
Showcasing two entertainment icons, Marilyn Monroe and Sammy Davis Jr., this captivating shot is almost too surreal to be true. While Monroe adorns the classic car languorously, the famous Rat-Packer is pictured flying past her with incredible flair and joie de vivre. The contrast in their expressions – hers bemused and his jubilant – makes it hard to tear your eyes from the photo.
6) Skipping through a meadow
It is the movement in this photo that gives it such a likeable, carefree quality. The soft, hazy light and gentle though vibrant colour palette also help to make this scene look quite heavenly. In terms of composition, the girl being slightly to the right of the centre gives it a great energy and the framing branches make the meadow look even more inviting.
7) Singing in the Rain
The idea of singing in the rain is the ultimate expression of happiness, so this still from the film of the same name can’t help but make you smile. The yellows and blues work beautifully together, while the vertical of the street light against the diagonal of Gene Kelly’s body emphasises his carefree attitude. Then of course there’s the priceless look on his face – fantastic.
8 ) Water fight
The focus of this picture highlights the laughter of the children, behind the torrent of water being sprayed at them. The way they’re holding on tightly to each other is irresistibly heart-warming, The look of glee on their faces and the stark black and white makes this photograph a truly timeless depiction of sheer delight.
9) The Beatles pillow-fighting
This kinetic photo also stars four iconic faces; those of The Beatles. The Fab Four are shown here in black and white enjoying a riotous pillow fight. The animation on their faces makes their enthusiasm infectious, while the diagonal line they create adds to the energy of the composition.
10) Flying with a cloud of balloons
One hopes that this photograph has been photoshopped in the interests of safety! Regardless of its authenticity, the colours of the balloons in contrast to the washed-out Paris skyline (you can see the Eiffel Tower to the far left) fill this picture with life and a sense of freedom. The ‘passenger’ looks relatively relaxed given his altitude, making you wish it was your turn to ride the balloons next…