How to Set Up and Organize Your Home Office
Nowadays, a lot of people are taking up jobs which give them the luxury of working at home. It is a new socio-technological trend that has been spreading all over the world lately, so many households are also becoming offices. That is why workers or employees of all trades should aim to optimize their working environment and adapt everything in order to maximize their efficiency. If you find this to be a challenge, here are some tips on how to improve your surroundings and develop a proper hard-working mindset despite the fact that your desk is close to your bed.
Never mix personal life with professional
This may be one of the most evident tips, but it is crucial, nonetheless. Yes, working should also bring you pleasure, but it should be set aside from your private life. Considering that your office is now your home, this business-pleasure relation can sometimes be a hard thing to distinguish. The best solution is to examine your workplace and detect props, features, appliances and occurrences which can be a distraction. For instance, TV, game consoles and other forms of distractions should be kept out of sight in the area of your home which is suited for your job. Remember, maintain a threshold where work begins and ends.
The desk and the room
The desk is the first thing that pops up to many minds when you mention the word ‘office’. Find a room in your home which is isolated from all of the outside noise, which has the right amount of windows and openings for sufficient natural light and air and which provides you with a sense of peace and focus. Get yourself a comfortable ergonomic chair to support your back, purchase or find a sturdy desk which has enough space for your stationaries and documents, invest in artificial lightning, because it can directly influence your mood and fill everything up with necessary tech.
Let there be light
A lot of people make a mistake and place their desk in the darkest corner of the room, against the wall. If you work during daylight hours you’ll create unnecessary strain on your eyes with this kind of setup and fail to utilize a great free resource – natural light. I personally find that it’s much easier to work efficiently during daylight rather than being a nocturnal bird, and if you’re anything like me, I suggest you place your desk close to the windows, preferably parallel to the panes. You shouldn’t however, forget to add a lamp too, because whether you like it or not, you will most certainly have to withstand some occasional long hours.
Keeping tech updated and reliable
Considering that technology is the main reason why we are able to work from our homes, we also must keep everything up-to-date and running smoothly so that it will stay that way. These tools, gadgets, and appliances are our best accomplices, so we need to take care of them properly. It all depends, of course, on the niche you are working in, but there are some general things that need to be upheld and maintained. Install an anti-virus on your computer, upgrade your software, focus on timely replacement of ink cartridges of your printer(s), conduct regular maintenance checks, backup relevant information regularly and follow up on new products which can help you improve your efficiency.
It is easier said than done, right? However, it is a necessary part of setting up your home office, so you might as well do it immediately, especially since it will help you boost your productivity. Things at work shouldn’t have to be overwhelming, so the first order of business should be to organize your documents. Keep things clean and minimal, sort out your problems, prioritize them, categorize them and file them accordingly. If you start to procrastinate with keeping your workspace in order, things will eventually clutter and become unbearable and tedious. Make sure your desk is clear, your desktop, too and just aim to uphold a certain level of cleanliness which will enable things to go more smoothly.
Give a personal touch to your office
Since you are at home, why not make your office more personal and inspirational? Sterile working environments can be mind-numbing, so design everything in accordance with your personality. This will help you sustain a positive mood much longer and it will give you more energy and freedom to work on your tasks and assignments. Add posters, photographs, décor, plants, furniture, whatever makes you feel comfortable and Zen. Once your mind is sound, your body will follow to do the job right.
Creating your own office space can be a fun and enjoyable task if you’re interested in interior design, but it can also be a nightmare if you’re of the type who can’t choose between fifty different models of office chairs. Whatever your preferences might be, take some time to think about what you want to achieve and either do it yourself or hire a professional, but make it count cause your work environment will most certainly affect your work performance.