7 Types Of Social Media Content To Boost Engagements

7 Types Of Social Media Content To Boost Engagements

Want to get more people interacting with your posts on social media? Certain types of content can be more effective for getting those clicks, likes and replies – and potentially more effective at converting customers. Below are just some of the best forms of content for boosting engagements. (more…)

What Goes Into A Brand?

What Goes Into A Brand?

It is clearly always very important for a business of any kind to have a good brand, but it is not always clear how to make that a reality. Whether you are just starting out in business or you are looking at trying to improve things in your current business, you need to always have one eye on the brand itself. As long as you get this right, you are going to find it is a lot easier and simpler to find great success with your business, so that is something that you should bear in mind. Let’s take a look at the ingredients of a good brand right now. (more…)

Best 9 Useful Tips And Tricks All Adobe Illustrator Beginners Should Know in 2021

Best 9 Useful Tips And Tricks All Adobe Illustrator Beginners Should Know in 2021

In the past, limited-use programs have made it easier to identify which tools you should be learning as a beginner. These days, however, once you are given how many tools, tips and tricks you should learn, you can always feel frustrated and not know where to start.

I have been using Adobe Illustrator for over 10 years now and I really like vectors will help you learn how to use them. These things were tools and tips that became part of my normal vector process and without them, I thought I would wither and die. Or just don’t create as I had hoped. It’s the same thing, in fact – let’s be honest. (more…)

Promoting A Business In A Poor Location

Promoting A Business In A Poor Location

A bad location can be bad for business – especially if you rely on customer footfall to make a profit. You could always move to a more prime location, however such a location could be a lot more expensive. Fortunately, there are other ways to attract customers if your store or office is in a low traffic area. Below are just some of the ways to promote a business in a poor location. (more…)

How To Put Together The Perfect Website For Your Business

How To Put Together The Perfect Website For Your Business

According to a recent study, UK adults are now spending 4 hours a day online – with the recent surge being attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. With government-mandated lockdowns causing many businesses to temporarily close up shop – online shopping has experienced a similar lift in popularity – which means that it’s time you paid a little more attention to your website. (more…)

4 Perfect Ways To Enhance Your Social Media Efforts

4 Perfect Ways To Enhance Your Social Media Efforts

Social media has become a significant part of most businesses marketing strategies. With the help of Twitter and Facebook, brands can reach out to shoppers directly. Instagram, meanwhile, influences purchases by leveraging celebrities to endorse products and services. (more…)

3 Crucial Traits to Look for in a Managed Service Provider

3 Crucial Traits to Look for in a Managed Service Provider

Outsourcing critical tasks enables you and the entire team to concentrate on the primary company vision and goal. You don’t want your staff to spend a substantial amount of time cleaning the office, taking care of IT issues, or handling broken down equipment. Instead, you want them to utilize their skills and talents fully and at the same time feel happy, appreciated, and motivated to report to work. (more…)

Why You Should Consider Utilising Video in Your Business

Why You Should Consider Utilising Video in Your Business

When it comes to running a business and striving to make it as successful as possible, there are a huge number of different possible factors to consider, and avenues to think about exploring.

For one thing, it’s important to have a clear sense of what “need” you are trying to address in the life of the respective client or customer. For another thing, you have to be good at managing your financial resources, and at focusing your efforts in alignment with a broad and long-term vision of what you want your business to achieve.

In addition to all of that stuff, however, there are certain specific techniques and approaches that you can utilise in terms of your communications and marketing materials, in particular, that can really end up making quite a dramatic difference.

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Utilising video in your business, whether that involves contacting a professional Video Production Agency or relying on your own video editing skills, seems to be one of the most popular and potentially fruitful approaches out there.

Here are some reasons why you should consider utilising video in your business.

It allows for much snappier and faster communication than written text often does

With written text, it’s certainly possible to have a snappy and potent slogan, catchphrase, or webpage header. But it’s very difficult to communicate core ideas as quickly and effectively by any other means, as by video.

Video naturally runs at the speed of speech, while simultaneously including the possibility of other communication elements that can ensure that you are able to distil and convey the key points about your business quickly and efficiently.

One of the benefits of this is that whoever is watching your videos will likely leave with a good sense of what you’re about.

It allows you to communicate with your prospective customers through various different modalities at once

One of the magical things about using video when trying to communicate with anyone, is the simple fact that video allows you to communicate with people through various different modalities at once.

In other words, you’re not just communicating through words alone as you would be in the case of writing. With video, you can include facial expressions, body language, intonation, and most of the other subtle aspects of communication that actually appear to convey more than words, themselves, do.

In addition to all those things, video can also include design elements, music, graphical displays, and all sorts of other features and elements that can make a powerful and lasting impact.

People generally tend to absorb information most effectively, and have their feelings about a topic influenced, by forms of communication that address them in various different modalities at once, and that don’t simply rely on appealing to people’s linguistic memory.

It creates much more of a sense of personal connection than written text does

Increasingly in the world today, people by and large are looking for authenticity and a sense of earnestness and enthusiasm – both in life, in general, but also with regards to the kinds of businesses whose services they use.

Video is a great way of establishing a much more personal connection with a prospective customer than written text alone can, because with video you have the option of putting a real human being in front of the camera, and having them communicate a message to whoever is watching.

Particularly if you start running a video series, and bring the same individual in front of an audience on a regular basis, rapport can more easily form, and you can begin opening a two-way conversation with prospective customers that can have a wide variety of different potential positive outcomes.

It seems to be the way of the future

It would be pretty difficult to not notice the fact that video seems to be an essential component of the direction things are heading in, with regards to general communication technology, and the Internet in particular.

Today, FaceTime and WhatsApp video calls are ubiquitous, and – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic – businesses have increasingly been handling internal communications and meetings via various forms of videoconferencing.

Many businesses today still don’t do anything much with video, but it seems the trend is firmly set in the direction of things like video having an increasingly significant influence going forward.

Putting yourself in a position to be at the crest of the wave might be great for the future of your business, and your overall ability to remain dynamic and effective.

Of course, if you are actively staying engaged with video communications, presentations, and marketing materials, you’re likely to be pretty well poised to also notice adjustments and new developments as they arise, and to pivot and capitalise on those as well.

Maybe tomorrow the next big thing will be virtual reality welcome messages on websites – but even if that’s the case, you’ll be in a better position to pivot towards that if you already have a good amount of experience in utilising video.

It can often grab people’s attention particularly effectively

Every now and then, new graphs appear showing the results of surveys on how people divide their attention online, and how much time they’re willing to spend viewing particular web pages, or engaging with particular forms of content, before clicking away.

Inevitably, the trend seems to be that people have a very small amount of patience for most content on the web, and short attention spans for any written content – with the general pattern being that the title and first paragraph will get skimmed and not much else.

A clear consequence of this is that one of the most pressing issues facing businesses in general and marketers in particular, is finding out how to grab people’s attention.

Simply put, video can often grab people’s attention very effectively and very quickly, depending on how well put together the video is.

If you can hook someone with a strong visual element in the first couple of seconds of a video, they are much more likely to watch the rest of the video than to read through a mountain of written content on a landing page.

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