30 Beautiful Pencils and Pencil Creations

30 Beautiful Pencils and Pencil Creations

Hello there. This is another collection of photos. These are some amazing pencils and pencil creations. Most of these pencils i found on DeviantART but there are some which i found on google images with search term “pencils”.  I hope you will enjoy in this post as i do when i was writing this post.

SONY DSC CatsEndPencilSharpener Finger-Pencil--35786 Fuming_pencil_by_Kodoku_J irs-pencil-sharpener live_pencil_by_finomaxpictures Lost_Pencil_by_ika_siyam Magic_Pencil_by_buraycule My_Pencil_Crayons_by_Icantfindagoodname Ouran__Pencil_Case__Host_Club__by_Lunni_chan penci1ls pencil Pencil_by_8_Ball_Murphy Pencil_by_Borreguero Pencil_by_debequpe MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Pencil_by_Hankins Pencil_by_ivanjs KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA pencil_crayons_by_michelle_jarrett Pencil_Crayons3_by_importracer1 Pencil_neck_by_YellowBoots pencil-art-01 pencil-art-10 PencilBowl pencils PencilScarf pencil-scarf  unusual_pencil_sharpeners09


If you have some more pencil creations ideas, feel free to comment in our comment section. Thanks!

40 Amazing photos of Niagara Falls

40 Amazing photos of Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls are voluminous waterfalls on the Niagara River, straddling the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The falls are 17 miles (27 km) north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and 75 miles (120 km) south-southeast of Toronto, Ontario, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York.

Niagara Falls is composed of two major sections separated by Goat Island: Horseshoe Falls, the majority of which lies on the Canadian side of the border, and American Falls on the American side. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on the American side, separated from the main falls by Luna Island.

Niagara Falls were formed when glaciers receded at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation (the last ice age), and water from the newly formed Great Lakes carved a path through the Niagara Escarpment en route to the Atlantic Ocean. While not exceptionally high, the Niagara Falls are very wide. More than 6 million cubic feet (168,000 m³) of water falls over the crest line every minute in high flow, and almost 4 million cubic feet (110,000 m³) on average. It is the most powerful waterfall in North America.

The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 1800s.

__Niagara_Falls___by_tikimiku a4c8eb13e62b82b6759214d14f8de578 American_Falls_by__stimpy b53f0f6a5f301353bb9bc3481b328c34 Evening_in_Niagara_by_IgorLaptev Flight_Over_Niagara_by_IgorLaptev Niagara_by_ashlite Niagara_Falls____by_kuroiookami Niagara_Falls_2_by_rosswillett Niagara_Falls_at_Night_by_kla91 Niagara_Falls_at_night_by_paullomax Niagara_Falls_by_ardunt Niagara_Falls_by_dny1son Niagara_Falls_by_emilio72 Niagara_Falls_by_EmpressTiffany Niagara_Falls_by_Eolesh93 Niagara_Falls_by_laryah Niagara_Falls_by_Matt_Starr Niagara_Falls_by_nessaaXD Niagara_Falls_by_Phoenix_Gurl Niagara_Falls_by_PrezeSs Niagara_Falls_by_rosswillett


Credits by sarahxjane.deviantart.com

Niagara_Falls_by_shweedz Niagara_falls_by_SOIRUN Niagara_Falls_by_Tasky Niagara_Falls_by_thewrongkind Niagara_Falls_by_Toby_Linn Niagara_Falls_by_UchihaPrincess16 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Niagara_Falls_from_Above_by_rosswillett Niagara_Falls_Illuminated_by_kuschelirmel  Niagara_Falls_View_by_monsterkookies Niagara_Swirls_by_AllorNOn Niagra_Falls_by_BeachGirlNikita Niagra_Falls_by_demi2004

Credits by www.dmitrimarkine.com



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32 Defaults Windows 7 Wallpapers

32 Defaults Windows 7 Wallpapers

Hello dear readers.This is another wallpapers collection. This is collection of 20 amazing windows wallpapers. These wallpapers are really amazing,and every of these wallpapers are free for download and use.All These wallpapers were collected on DeviantART.There are wallpapers in few different sizes, so everyone can find what he need.

Win 7 by HuGg (1) Win 7 by HuGg (2) Win 7 by HuGg (3) Win 7 by HuGg (4) Win 7 by HuGg (5) Win 7 by HuGg (6) Win 7 by HuGg (7) Win 7 by HuGg (8) Win 7 by HuGg (9) Win 7 by HuGg (10) Win 7 by HuGg (11) Win 7 by HuGg (13) Win 7 by HuGg (14) Win 7 by HuGg (15) Win 7 by HuGg (16) Win 7 by HuGg (17) Win 7 by HuGg (18) Win 7 by HuGg (19) Win 7 by HuGg (20) Win 7 by HuGg (21) Win 7 by HuGg (23) Win 7 by HuGg (24) Win 7 by HuGg (25) Win 7 by HuGg (26) Win 7 by HuGg (27) Win 7 by HuGg (28) Win 7 by HuGg (29) Win 7 by HuGg (30) Win 7 by HuGg (31) Win-7-by-HuGg-(12) Win-7-by-HuGg-(22) Win-7-by-HuGg

20 Amazing Examples Of Unusual Buildings

20 Amazing Examples Of Unusual Buildings

Hello there.These are some very,very unusual building.I bet that you never seen before,and maybe you will never see it in future.For some of these builds i asked myself are they real or photoshoped,but at end i think it’s real.Also thanks to deviantart’s members for these brilliant buildings.

75b683f612877b9a04fd01b54bfe84da Amazing_architecture_5_by_Fidjies Architecture_by_alz3aabi KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA  caac682c5e1afcd1 Counterweights_by_Guilletas Crazy_architecture_by_g0ldenpenny Crazy_House_by_SolsticeMajor Flatiron_Building_by_Banglad3sh Geary_in_Cambridge_MA London__s_City_Hall_by_sketchybob Nord_LB_Hannover_by_OrangeUtan Playing_With_Architecture_by_Dizaztor the_Egg_by_foureyes-630x630 the_Weird_Architecture_by_LostImagesProject Unusual_Urban_Architecture_by_bigjase48 Weird_Architecture_by_Topaz172


30 Beautiful Photoshoped Roses That Are Made By Romantic Designers

30 Beautiful Photoshoped Roses That Are Made By Romantic Designers

Hi there designers and all readers!I was on vacation 1 week so as you see i didn’t wrote any post.These are beautiful photography.All these roses are made by graphic designers from deviantart.As you see they are very professional.I tried to make good post of beautiful romantic roses,and i hope you will love this article as i do when i was writing this post.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         ___Rose____by_Liek  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         3b2233c3406ca96a1b9235f4106f4496 Black_Rose_by_Ketmara Fallen_Rose_by_Marienvo OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Piano_rose_by_Titanica portrait_of_a_rose_by_CrisisCorps  Samsung Rose____by_XipnosS Rose__by_kle0012 Rose_by_Almy  Rose_by_Haziness Rose_by_Indigo17 Rose_by_kayleebonez rose_by_klakier666  Rose_by_Mariquez rose_by_Ruth_Yang Rose_by_ScunnySkaters   Rose_On_Piano_by_yhdenenkelinunelma The_Rose_by_lovelybat the_rose_by_nofearinlove white_rose_by_twofuzzysumos







40 Beautiful Digital Painted Horses

40 Beautiful Digital Painted Horses

Hi there.I haven’t too much to say about this post.What to say about horses except they are beautiful animals.You can find here different horses,water,fire,flying horses…Some of these horses are very hard to make in photoshop,and i think that it can be very hard work even for designer like me or best deviantart’s members.

8a239557619dde99 50f465a628b2c4b2d3032d11d9081e3d 090b7ea109b899e66a3037c81c0c939d 8764b62f5a5ded61 a_horse_____by_theuukz a_horse_by_velisianna Abandoned_Horse_by_Garvals  Arabian_Horse_by_dolphy b54cb10846e1a3aded1164ef3d96753b Christmas_horse_in_snow_by_Nakuru_Nebelung Dark_horse_by_gantian1988   Fasfer_the_demon_horse_by_pookyns_5 Horse___by_aralinwen Horse_Autum_by_yellochevy02 Horse_by_alexandrabirchmore Horse_by_fudexdesign horse_by_heise  Horse_by_J_C  Horse_in_the_dark_by_FreakingPrincess horse_painting_by_atsaki Horse_realism_attempt_by_crypticFallon horse_spirit ice_horse_by_whitekappa Mountain_Horse_by_Rhineville pesadilla___HORSE_FIRE__by_MissNariel Pirate_Horse_by_WSTopDeck rainbow_horse_by_Zau_R Stayne__s_Horse_by_imaginism Storm_Horse_by_hibbary The_Fire_Horse_by_BanishedAngel War_Horse_by_BenWootten War_Horse_by_savageworlds White_horse World_of_Horse_by_Tigra1988 Xynyr__Demon_Horse_by_zsarke





40+ stunning HDR Pictures That Will Make You Look Again

40+ stunning HDR Pictures That Will Make You Look Again

Hi there.This is another collection of pictures.I collected this over web.Sorry cause these are not in higher resolution cause all of theme are very good.Photographs who taked these photos are very,very professional.As title says, theme some of these pictures will make you look again,cause they are brilliant.

238232186-2a2ab1fa18 915833912-82a514bd63 1322432610-0e98aa9c1e 1407559890-ad371a5bc1 1827704198-0d38f68b37 Qtpfsgui 1.9.2 tonemapping parameters:
Operator: Mantiuk
Contrast Equalization factor: 1.1
Saturation Factor: 2 
PreGamma: 1
2068508172-dffdeb305a 2176897085-946b7b66b8 2262689444-ba79fbc814 2738920865-c561d1caf2 2845711324-882e402ac5 2894732002-12dd6f8f96 2949224343-cd62d36ffc 3300292989-6bb8867792 3391952890-e36dc22dc1 3412288518-6bc620f844 3485257013-9cdc690d02 3486833983-1db715771a 3489730287-8881240f79 3490242456-491a003831 3499171654-0d159ff90f 3499280165-d83ffaafd9 3500090741-0a8a5b6158 3500802885-4cec0e7d06 3510125583-ba763e60a2 3513474586-52f5e4d776 3525931203-dd4d83b82e 3528003146-4efa32cfe4 3528885405-59b255d3c1 3529412136-e0b8a393b9 3529494954-30967abfe3 3530813955-d5ab2c08b2 3530840813-8c0ab855f5 3530848513-517b5ef006 3530897923-b5da4d5b34 3531871653-bee3b58dd2 3531890811-04119dc370 3532306948-ee588c9383 3532336564-74bac5755d buffbus declareathumbwar trainthumb

10 The best Rock/Metal Bands Logos

10 The best Rock/Metal Bands Logos

This is good article i think. These are some great music bands logos. All of these looks pretty great. If you are designer and want to make same of these logo, trust me, it’s not easy. Making these logos are 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Also in this article you can read some info about bands. Source for all info are wikipedia.

1. Guns ‘N’ Roses


Guns N’ Roses (sometimes abbreviated as GN’R or GNR) is an American hard rock band. The band formed in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California in 1985. The band, led by frontman and co-founder Axl Rose (born William Bruce Rose, Jr.), has gone through numerous line-up changes and controversies since its formation. The band has released six studio albums, three EPs and one live album during its career.

The band has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide,including over 46 million in the United States. The band’s 1987 major label debut album Appetite for Destruction has sold in excess of 28 million copies worldwide and reached number one on the United States Billboard 200. In addition, the album charted three Top 10 hits on the Billboard Hot 100, including “Sweet Child o’ Mine” which reached number one. The 1991 albums Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II debuted on the two highest spots on the Billboard 200 and have sold a combined 14 million copies in the United States alone and 35 million worldwide. After over a decade of work, the band released their follow-up album, Chinese Democracy, which sold 1.6 million copies by end of 2008.

2. Queen


Queen are a British rock band formed in London in 1970 and are one of the most commercially successful musical acts of all time. The group originally consisted of Freddie Mercury (lead vocals), Brian May (lead guitar, vocals), John Deacon (bass guitar), and Roger Taylor (drums, vocals). Queen’s initial works were chiefly heavy metal orientated, however with time the band incorporated diverse and innovative styles in their music, exploring the likes of vaudeville, progressive rock, and even funk. Throughout the 1970s Queen disclosed the absence of synthesisers on their albums, yet their style continued to evolve, which reflected their experimental approach to music.

The group’s roots can be traced back to the demise of the band Smile, of which May and Taylor were part. They were joined by a Farrokh Bulsara who changed the band’s name to Queen, and his own to Freddie Mercury, and adopted the role of lead vocalist. Deacon was later recruited by the trio to complete the group. Queen enjoyed success in the UK during the early 1970s but it was the release of Sheer Heart Attack (1974) and A Night at the Opera (1975) that gained the band international success, both critically and commercially. The latter featured “Bohemian Rhapsody”, which stayed at number one in the UK charts for nine weeks. In 1987, Mercury was diagnosed HIV positive and in 1991 died of bronchopneumonia, a complication of AIDS. Deacon’s retirement followed in 1997. Since then, May and Taylor have infrequently performed together at special events and programmes. Between 2004 and 2009 the duo collaborated with Paul Rodgers under the name Queen + Paul Rodgers.

3. AC/DC


AC/DC are an Australian rock band formed in 1973 by brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. Although the band are commonly classified as hard rock and are considered a pioneer of heavy metal, they have always classified their music as rock and roll.

AC/DC underwent several line-up changes before releasing their first album, High Voltage, in 1975. Membership remained stable until bassist Mark Evans was replaced by Cliff Williams in 1977 for the album Powerage. Within months of recording the album Highway to Hell, lead singer and co-songwriter Bon Scott died on 19 February 1980, after a night of heavy alcohol consumption. The group briefly considered disbanding, but soon ex-Geordie singer Brian Johnson was selected to replace Scott. Later that year, the band released their highest selling album, Back in Black.

The band’s next album, For Those About to Rock We Salute You, was their first album to reach number one in the United States. AC/DC declined in popularity soon after drummer Phil Rudd was fired in 1983 and was replaced by future Dio drummer Simon Wright, though the band resurged in the early 1990s with the release of The Razor’s Edge. Phil Rudd returned in 1994 (after Chris Slade, whom was with the band from 1990–1994, was asked to leave in favour of him) and contributed to the band’s 1995 album Ballbreaker. Stiff Upper Lip was released in 2000 and was well received by critics. Since then, the band has stayed the same with the 1980-1983 lineup. The band’s most recent album, Black Ice, was released on 20 October 2008. It was their biggest hit on the charts since “For Those About to Rock, reaching #1 on all the charts eventually. AC/DC’s newest studio album, AC/DC: Iron Man 2 is set to release on April 19, 2010.

4. ZZ Top


ZZ Top (pronounced /ˈziː ˈziː ˈtop/) is an American blues rock trio, formed in 1969 in Houston, Texas. Its members are Billy Gibbons (vocals and guitar), Joseph Dusty Hill (vocals, bass, and keyboards), and Frank Beard (drums and percussion). ZZ Top is ranked number 44 on VH1’s “100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock.” The trio is one of the longest running rock bands to retain the same lineup, and until September 2006 had the same manager, Bill Ham.

ZZ Top was inducted by Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame during the annual ceremony on March 15, 2004. Cub Koda wrote, “As genuine roots musicians, they have few peers; Gibbons is one of America’s finest blues guitarists working in the hard rock idiom … while Hill and Beard provide the ultimate rhythm section support.”

ZZ Top almost always appear in public wearing sunglasses (a practice that predates, by a decade, their 1979 song “Cheap Sunglasses”). Gibbons and Hill wear similar black clothing (usually biker leathers) and black cowboy hats or baseball caps. Gibbons may wear black biker boots and neck chains with beer can openers. Although Gibbons and Hill wear chest-length beards, drummer Beard sports only a trimmed mustache.

In 1984, the Gillette Company reportedly offered Gibbons and Hill $1 million each to shave their beards for a television commercial. They allegedly declined, saying “We’re too ugly without ’em.”

ZZ Top is the only band with 30+ years active to have all the original band members alive and still playing together!

5. Van Halen


Van Halen is an American heavy metal/hard rock band formed in Pasadena, California in 1972. They have enjoyed large scale success since the release of their debut album Van Halen, (1978). As of 2007, Van Halen has sold 80 million albums worldwide, and have had the most number-one hits on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart. During the 1980s they also had more Billboard Hot 100 hits than any other hard rock or heavy metal band. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, Van Halen is the 19th best-selling band/artist of all time with sales of over 56 million albums in the U.S. , and is one of five rock bands that have had two albums sell more than 10 million copies in the U.S. In 2008 they became one of the best paid live acts in the world, over twenty years after performing the same feat in the early eighties in regards to their huge payout for headlining the US festival. In 1999, the RIAA certified Van Halen diamond, for ten million U.S. sales. Van Halen were one of the forerunners to the glam metal bands of the 1980s.

6. Aerosmith


Aerosmith is an American hard rock band, sometimes referred to as “The Bad Boys from Boston” and “America’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band”. Their style, which is rooted in blues-based hard rock, has come to also incorporate elements of pop, heavy metal, and rhythm and blues, and has inspired many subsequent rock artists. The band was formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 1970. Guitarist Joe Perry and bassist Tom Hamilton, originally in a band together called the Jam Band, met up with singer Steven Tyler, drummer Joey Kramer, and guitarist Ray Tabano, and formed Aerosmith. In 1971, Tabano was replaced by Brad Whitford, and the band began developing a following in Boston.

7. Bon Jovi


Bon Jovi is an American hard rock band from Sayreville, New Jersey. Formed in 1983, Bon Jovi consists of lead singer and namesake Jon Bon Jovi, guitarist Richie Sambora, keyboardist David Bryan, drummer Tico Torres as well as current bassist Hugh McDonald. The band’s line-up has remained mostly static during their 26-year history, the only exception being the departure of Alec John Such in 1994, who was unofficially replaced by Hugh McDonald. The band have become known for writing several rock anthems, and achieved widespread recognition with their third album Slippery When Wet, released in 1986. Bon Jovi are well-known for songs including “Livin’ on a Prayer”, which has become their signature song, as well as “You Give Love a Bad Name”, “Wanted Dead or Alive”, “Bad Medicine”, “Keep the Faith”, “Bed of Roses”, “Always”, “It’s My Life” and “Have a Nice Day”. Their latest hit single is “We Weren’t Born to Follow.”

8. Judas Priest


Judas Priest are a Grammy Award winning English heavy metal band from Birmingham, formed in 1969. Judas Priest’s core line-up consists of vocalist Rob Halford, guitarists Glenn Tipton, K.K. Downing, and bassist Ian Hill. The band has gone through several drummers over the years, though Scott Travis has held the position since 1989. They have been cited as an influence on many heavy metal musicians and bands. Their popularity and status as one of the definitive heavy metal bands has earned them the nickname “Metal Gods” from their song of the same name. They have sold over 35 million albums worldwide.

9. Disturbed

Disturbed wallpaper

Disturbed is a heavy metal band from Chicago, Illinois, formed in 1996 when musicians Dan Donegan, Steve “Fuzz” Kmak, and Mike Wengren hired David Draiman as their singer. Since the band’s formation, they have sold over 11 million albums worldwide, making them one of the largest grossing rock bands in recent years. The band has released three consecutive studio albums that have debuted at number-one on the Billboard 200.

10. Slayer


Slayer is an American thrash metal band from Huntington Park, California, formed in 1981. The band was founded by guitarists Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King. Slayer rose to fame with their 1986 release, Reign in Blood, which has been called “the heaviest album of all time” by Kerrang!. The band is credited as one of the “Big Four” of thrash metal, along with Metallica, Anthrax and Megadeth.

Slayer’s musical traits involve fast tremolo picking, atonal guitar solos, double bass drumming, and shouting vocals. The band’s lyrics and album art, which cover topics such as serial killers, Satanism, religion and warfare have generated album bans, delays, lawsuits and strong criticism from religious groups and the public.

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