30 Inspiring Santa Clauses That Are Not Real

30 Inspiring Santa Clauses That Are Not Real

It’s summer, not december/january, but don’t we all love santa claus, christmas and new year? Santa gave me inspiration for this post,i searched little on DeviantART and you can see below what i found.I think this article will give inspiration to designer for their next works.I don’t know for you, but i tried to make some santa in photoshop, but i didn’t finish it, trust me, it’s not easy to make it.

5be468485a433b3e094b90fba150ad2d 52c7210f9312bed9ffb7bbf414b4a252 136cfcdbdda36e397ecd9792975d34a0 b83b79f333df2b04c2de88ee2ca0c1dc brophey_claus_by_luve Hooray_for_Santy_Claus_by_jbwarner86 I_Saw_Mommy_Kiss_Santa_Claus_by_CherryGirlUK Merry_Christmas_Santa_Claus_by_Ermy



Santa_by_madstalfos      Santa_Claus_by_McAwful Santa_Claus_by_Rynan5 Santa_claus_by_zero_zero_nine Santa_Claus_by_zimpy222 Santa_Claus_in_snowflake_by_midoriharada Santa_Claus_is_back_by_frenchfox Santa_Claus_is_Coming_to_Town_by_Brodiewan Santa_Claus_is_coming_to_town_by_ToraNoKage13  Santa_Claws_by_dholl Santa_Colors_by_Frigid_Studios Santa_Cthulhu_Comes_to_Town_by_DrChrissy Santa_Ratchet_by_TwinTwosGirl Santa_s_Complaint_by_iiguitarii Satan_Claus_is_Coming_To_Town_by_Giosuke TAC__travel_of_santa_claus___Z_by_zevenstorms





Very Inspiring 3d Robot Illustrations

Very Inspiring 3d Robot Illustrations

Another collection of photos by DeviantART members. This post is about robot illustrations, these are 3d models, and they are very hard to design. Most of them are in futuristic white color, and all of them are just fantastic. Enjoy











































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13 Dreamy Ballon Photography

13 Dreamy Ballon Photography

Another collection of photos by DeviantART members. This post shows really awesome ballon creativity. These photos are in hd resolution. They are full with colors, very bright, and dreamy. __I_have_five_ballon___by_yudiaria_girl_under_ballon_by_tudik Ballon__by_MrsxKakofonie Ballon__s_day_3_by_vanilla_tapes Ballon_by_crazy_bree ballon_by_lashout Ballon_by_mal93 BALLON_by_t_a_n Ballon_in_the_air_by_Stompen Ballon_set_by_LisandroLee Blue_Ballon_by_shawn10000 e37fe29bc1a2d78dcaee17e4990dbab4 Hot_Air_Ballon_by_alphacolor

80 Extraordinary Examples Of Macro Photography

80 Extraordinary Examples Of Macro Photography

Another collection of photos by DeviantART member.I don’t know for you,but i love this collection very much. Especially i like These photos with insects. I think none can say that this is bad collection, because it’s beautiful.

___a_l_o_n_e____by_hellfirediva ___osssa____by_all17 __drops___by_all17 0faa6810e1b7cdca4f5fe8a4a5ab50ca 3f3b98c589d2917a80716c8ffb76982f 4b5fc5756fb4a5768c10d0552cba5301 4e89b604c113428032c039f921aa4584 Can't Fight the Moonlight 07bc37e45b17c64fb29e86b897ae7f3e 23d65872dd83f4173dde64db5a07f6d4 32c177718bf30e99bd50d19f2fd8f20e 57ce554337b4d45f101940cf7f30c752 59bf09306e14a534 61f6e7602cade3bc6865e01ef5282771 84f7b2c3b4a74f29f419393b29923474 88eb6bf0878b98562f843c47b682c9be 91cde4cb76785146da03115ba13addf0 178_oOOo_by_viedymin 586e4ee54594f166c2c850b63ad6c37c 741b191d5e1bbb02992ff41b164f1800 3687eb5bd02156f435cd2a6b8f02b391 9476e55d2d807fdec07c16d5630b18f3 a00c2333889a26b38cacc98212bf3359 a471c55df6274417 Ae_by_Maceo_x_ af24be6fb0bab78aaa5fa5a28d77d5ef b3dbc5736ff39e80bdf3d833ea55699c blue_vains_by_alsebka Bug__s_life_by_Bambr caba9c1cb605c606844de640ddbd14a6

caba9c1cb605c606844de640ddbd14a6 colourful_one_by_AstridT SONY DSC Creamy_Waves_by_SauriaMami Curls_2_by_drkshp d02a7ed5764ffc5b7d90acada5f50daa d25ae81bc6117d3c Daffodil_Heart_by_cycoze Dandelion___II_by_AlexEdg dc1db89bf5138794606a3defee0f5af0 Dewdrop_Dreams_by_eyedesign drop_by_Maruscik e63404262408f5572c46f2ac5aae0c2a Emotion__by_tempered_steel f7eabdf253cacec32cfe5760356a6f42 fc4318c1097bbd1864937a95520bc7b1 fcfe6f5fcb51f6bb5fd8dadbb13d9f83 fresh_grape_juice_by_nakitez Frog__s_Eyes__Bubble_Macro_by_logoistics086 G_r_e_e_n__by_Heleneee Green__by_chriissis Green_Tunnel_by_ironmanbr Hanging by the web 2 Imaginary_by_Sandy515 Impact_by_4k1 Inner_Light_by_DivineInvention jumping_spider_6_by_chriskaula jumping_spiders_lunch_by_macrojunkie Lilly_heart_by_Or4x1d Liquid_Phase__by_DafoeofLenin Lonely_by_StacyD lost__in__colors_by_hasablanca Lost_in_space__by_Powerpiill  KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA nail_bitter_by_momentoes reflection_II_by_alsebka Room_with_a_View_by_dalantech SATELLIT_ON_MY_SPACE_by_ArwenArts Sauron_by_kz Snowflake___2_by_ak87 Stamens_by_Or4x1d SONY DSC The_Awakening_by_SAMLIM The_idler_by_Viand Three_by_Nitrok under_water_by_nakedlady Unthirst_by_NestR Walking_on_the_sun_by_LoneEarthling Yellow_day_by_Krapivka2007

Pepsi Ad Inspirations

Pepsi Ad Inspirations

Hi to all my readers, i made this story just for you…These ads are pretty interesting because of their ideas, they are very nice, and unique. In this business you need to find amazing ideas to keep your clients. Your clients always trying to find better drink, and when they see an awesome ad, half of the sell is already done. Pepsi obviously succeeded with that. Check their works…












15 Mozilla Firefox Addons That Every Web Designer Should Have

15 Mozilla Firefox Addons That Every Web Designer Should Have

1. WebRank Toolbar – Pagerank, Alexa, Compete and Quantcast Rank, Pages Indexed and Backlinks


A toolbar that gives you the Google Pagerank, Alexa, Compete and Quantcast Rank of the website you are viewing, pages indexed and backlinks in Google, Bing and Yahoo. Bookmark website at PickMeWeb.com, website reviews at Wikia.com

Download / Addon Homepage

2. EditCSS


Stylesheet modifier in the Sidebar.

Download / Addon Homepage

3. View Source Chart


Inspect the DOM at lightning speed.
Learn HTML at lightning speed.

Download / Addon Homepage

4. PixelZoomer


PixelZoomer takes a screenshot of the current website and provides various tools for pixel analysis. You can zoom into websites (up to 3200%), measure distances and pick colors with an eye dropper.

Download / Addon Homepage

5. LinkChecker


Check the validity of links on any webpage.

Download / Addon Homepage

6. Window Resizer


The Browser Window Resizer is useful for testing different screen sizes. It accurately resizes your browser so you can test to see what a web page looks like in all of the standard resolution sizes.
Supports the 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1600×1200 resolutions.
Resize the current page via the Context menu, Tool menu or Toolbar button.

Download / Addon Homepage

7. Unicode Input Tool/Converter


Unicode lookup and chart view to find international characters or symbols; converts among HTML/XML entities, numeric character references (hex and dec), CSS/JavaScript/PHP6 escape sequences, and Unicode; allows saving of snippets to paste

Download / Addon Homepage

8. Adblock Plus


Adblock Plus allows you to regain control of the internet and view the web the way you want to. The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains. Adblock Plus also allows you to customize your filters with the assistance of a variety of useful features, including a context option for images, a block tab for Flash and Java objects, and a list of blockable items to remove scripts and stylesheets.

Download / Addon Homepage

9. Flashblock


Flashblock is an extension for the Mozilla, Firefox, and Netscape browsers that takes a pessimistic approach to dealing with Macromedia Flash content on a webpage and blocks ALL Flash content from loading. It then leaves placeholders on the webpage that allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content.

Flashblock currently blocks the following content types:
* Macromedia Flash
* Macromedia Shockwave
* Macromedia Authorware

Download / Addon Homepage

10. Screen Capture ElitegoogleScreen Capture Elite lets you copy or save any visible, complete or selected region or a webpage and save it as a jpeg or png image file.

Download / Addon Homepage

11. Open With Photoshop


Open With Photoshop is a new companion for web designers, graphic designers and in general whom like to use Photoshop.

Open With Photoshop send any web image via right click context menu to the Photoshop. It is valuable tool for time saving.

The add-on is created for Photoshop CS4 users.

Tested on Windows XP. Support for Linux and Mac users will be assured with the help of those operating system users.

Download / Addon Homepage

12. Palette Grabber


Creates a color palette for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, Flash, Fireworks, Paint.NET, or OS X based on the current page.

Download / Addon Homepage

13. FxIF


What’s it
FxIF (Firefox exIF) allows you to view meta information data contained in JPEG images from the convenience of your Firefox (or SeaMonkey or other compatible) browser. Most digital cameras add EXIF data to all images you take and much editing software adds or allows you to add more informations on the picture and you the creator.
FxIF is written entirely in JavaScript, and as such should be portable to all platforms that Mozilla runs on.

Download / Addon Homepage

14. Professor X


The Professor X Extension let’s you see inside a page’s head without viewing the sourcecode.

Once installed the Professor X command is available by right-clicking as well as in the Tools menu. When applied to a page it will display the contents of the page’s head element, including Meta, Script and Style content. This can help you see how a website was constructed without having to go back and forth between the sourcecode and the page in your browser.

This is the companion extension to X-Ray although either can be installed and used on their own. They were created to help people learning web design at various levels of experience.

Download / Addon Homepage

15. Font Finder


FontFinder is created for designers, developers and typographers. It allows a user to analyze the font information of any element on a page, copy any piece(s) of that information to the clipboard, and perform inline replacements to test new layouts.

Download / Addon Homepage


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20 Dragons That Are Done In Photoshop

20 Dragons That Are Done In Photoshop

One more collection of photos.These photos are all done in photoshop , they aren’t real.Anyway,they looks very realistic as they are real.All these dragon were founded on DeviantART so if you want to find more dragons go there.Also it’s very hard to make this in photoshop even if you are good designer,so try,and you will see how hard it can be!

6c53ecb9865e6bdc94efeeb7d6da8568 1064bfabf9926e66d301eda3ebdf4169 Ash_Dragon_by_el_grimlock black_dragon_attack_by_el_grimlock Black_Dragon_Takarabria__ver_2_by_ShokokuPhoenix Black_Dragon_TNT_by_el_grimlock Dragon_by_dreamwave22 Dragon_by_el_grimlock   Dragon_Collaboration_ Dragon_Fury_by_Ironshod      Golden_dragon_departure_by_GENZOMAN Ice_Dragon_by_Ironshod 









Apple Friendly Pillows

Apple Friendly Pillows

The best way to have sweet Apple-filled dreams is with the iCushion. This pillow takes its design from the iPhone, with the lone design exception being that the iCushion won’t break if you try and sleep on it.

The iCushion is a must-have for Apple superfans. Who wouldn’t want a squishy pillow that also doubles as an oversized iPhone? You won’t have to worry about purchasing insurance or canceling your contract, either. The iCushion runs $17.99 and is available at the links to your left. You’re welcome, Apple superfans.

Photos from TrendHunter.com

76276_1_468 76276_2_468 76276_3_468 76276_4_468 76276_5_468 76276_6_468 76276_7_468 76276_8_468 76276_9_468 76276_10_468

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