Realistic Black White Pencil Drawings

Realistic Black White Pencil Drawings

Over the last several years Cath Riley has developed new skills, especially the use of pencil on paper. According to her words, those pencil drawings are part of an on-going evolutionary process of exploration and development and just have a purpose to  outline a particular phase in her abilities an understanding.

There are various kinds of drawings based around the human figure. Some of them represent celebrities, others shows imaginary situations that are done by unknown characters. Her drawings are entirely realistic and reveal a work of an original and creative artist.

Many of her drawings to date have been exhibited, and many commissioned, some privately, others for use in magazine features and advertising. She announced new, abstract works which will appear in the near future.


Creative Wedding Photography

Creative Wedding Photography

Wedding traditions and customs vary largely between cultures, religions or ethnic groups. Moreover, some differences can be noticed among celebrations in western countries, but they are often defined by the preferences of the certain couple. In order to organise an unforgettable wedding party, newly weds are likely to alter many of the traditional ceremonies. Some of those diversities we can see in the following pictures…


“Love Story” by Milan Zulic

“Love Story” by Milan Zulic

“Love Story” is a series of photographs taken by Milan Zulic. This artist expresses his ideas through painting, photography, sculpture and multimedia. His environmentally-friendly awareness is justified through recycling which increasingly takes place in his work. For instance, two dummies became the models for this beautiful collection of photographs. Those two manufactured replicas of human figures were made to stand in a shop window to sell clothes and this purpose does not allow any kind of personality. However, on Zulic’s photographs they become living characters who live and tell a story about love, tenderness and eternity.

The value of this collection emerges from the immense creativity and aptitude of Milan Zulic, who’s best work is to come.


15 Great Book Of Art

15 Great Book Of Art

These interesting pieces of Book Origami are made by Isaak Salazar. He has no formal education, but his ideas enable him to create such a great artworks. According to his words, he is into alternative energy, recycling and reusing, so his work is, on the one hand, a way of recycling a book  that might end up in a landfill. His technique is developed  from simple letters to more complicated words, logos and symbols. Isaac Salazar cuts, folds and slices the pages of books and the results are amazing book sculptures. Enjoy in this beautiful sight.


Creative Leo Caillard

Creative Leo Caillard

Leo Caillard is 25 years old male artist. He live in Paris – NYC, Ile-de-France. Leo have been working for: Equinox, PMU, Orange, Caudalie, Outfitters Chevrolet, Tabuba , Azzaro , MAC , Y3.


How to use design to make your gambling website stand out from the rest

How to use design to make your gambling website stand out from the rest

With so much competition from other gambling websites, then having one which really stands out can help to draw in customers. Many people do reach gambling websites from advertisements and so it is important to know which page of the site these ads point to as it may not be the home page. This means that these pages need to be just as good as the home page, if not better. Beside that, most of the poker website have appropriate application which has to be in in same design style as all the rest, like this poker download.

Most people are interested in making money from gambling. It is therefore important to make sure the design incorporates any promotions that the website is offering perhaps bonuses or matching deposits and things like that. It is important to make these catch the eye but not in too much of a glaring way. Flashing and bright colours can be irritating so you need to think of a way of doing it which fits in with the theme of the site but makes it stand out above the rest. You can find some good examples at Texas Hold’em download. (more…)

Tips on Designing a Good Gambling Website

Tips on Designing a Good Gambling Website

Designing any website well is very important. However, designing a good gambling website is even more so because there are so many out there. You will need something extremely eye catching.

A good starting point is to take a look at the other gambling websites such as real money poker sites. There are a lot of them but take a look at quite a few. Take note of some of the main features such as colour, font, layout and what stands out when you glance at the page. A good balance of these features will be found in the most popular texas holdem poker sites. (more…)

Texas Holdem Poker Tutorial

Texas Holdem Poker Tutorial

Texas Hodem Poker is one of the most popular versions of poker and is the one that you are likely to see on televised tournaments. There are different versions of the game and here the basic rules will be explained and then some of the variations as well. You can try some of these variations at Best Online Casinos.

If you do not know anything about poker at all then there are a few pointers here. Firstly the game is normally played with a full pack of cards and the suits have no ranking. Each player will end up with a hand of five cards and they want these to be the highest ranking. Each player will reveal their ‘hand’ in order to see whose is the best and that person takes the money that was bet. In poker the Ace is the highest card and the two or deuce is the lowest.

To rank the cards there is a system. The higher value cards (such as the picture cards and the Aces) are worth more. A hand with the highest ranking cards could win, but there are some exceptions as you will see. The worst hand to have is where each card is a different value and does not have numbers which run in succession. You can better this by having a pair. A higher ranking pair will beat a lower ranking one. If two people have the same pair, then the one with the highest value card out of the remaining ones will win. This card is often referred to as a kicker. Two pairs would beat a pair and if two players had two sets of pairs then the one with the highest value pair would win. If they both had a pair of Aces and one had threes and the other Kings for the remaining pairs then the one with the Kings would win. If both had identical value pairs then the kicker would decide who wins. To beat two pairs you need three of a kind. This may also be called a set or trips and it just means three cards of the same value. The highest value set wins but in Holdem it is possible for two people to have the same three of a kind and then the kicker comes in to play again. (more…)

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