Three Common SEO Mistakes Even Seasoned Web Designers Make

Three Common SEO Mistakes Even Seasoned Web Designers Make

Search Engine Optimization has been the name of the game in web marketing and website development for many years now. As more and more blogs and sites swarm the web, it has become ever more essential to rank highly within the various search engine hubs online. Without strong SEO tactics, it can be nearly impossible to gain popularity online. A successful website relies completely on visibility on the web. If your site isn’t being seen, there is no way it can ever be very profitable. However, SEO tactics and techniques have in many ways become the burden of the content writer and marketing team. While these are perfectly logical areas for SEO to fall, there are plenty of SEO efforts that can be made in the area of web design. These are three major SEO mistakes that a web designer may make while designing a site that can really harm your site’s web visibility.

Too Much Flash
As many SEO specialists know, a Flash driven website bears no threat to its competitors because they do not rank well on Google. Many web designers use flash because it is great for interesting animations, games, illustrations, slideshows, and pictures. However, Flash just doesn’t make sense as the sole thing on a webpage. Google views Flash sites as websites without any content and, therefore, ranks them poorly. There are some ways to make Flash animation more SEO friendly, but it is still common belief that HTML content is superior. Some Flash is acceptable in your site’s design, but do not let it overpower the entire project. As a web designer, look into CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript programming over Flash animation. (more…)

Why Is Internet Marketing So Difficult for Some Businesses?

Why Is Internet Marketing So Difficult for Some Businesses?

It seems like everyone is the best in web design, and there is an internet marketing guru on every street corner. You only have to do a few random searches, and it is easy to see that the majority of websites are put together in tragically poor ways, and the marketing of those sites is atrocious. You don’t have to know too much about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and a little about good web design to know how to at least have a chance of your website being of use for your business.

I have been involved in online marketing and SEO for over a decade, and I am still surprised how many business owners do not understand the basics of having a decent website, and the importance of setting up to be seen by internet users. Here is a look at the biggest and most common mistakes. (more…)

Great Mega Bundle from for only $29 instead of $545

Great Mega Bundle from for only $29 instead of $545 has prepared a great Mega Bundle for designers over the world. In this great designer’s Mega Bundle, the guys at have included all the elements a designer needs for its artwork. But pay attention, this is a time-limited offer, available only till the 13th of October, so you should purchase it today as not to miss it. This is a too good of an offer to miss! Not only that you get more than 650 design elements of very high-quality, but you also save more than $500!

This great Mega Bundle provides all the resources a designer needs in his or hers daily activity at a bargain price. This is a very suitable bundle for creatives and artists as well. Here you will find everything, from high-quality stock vectors to Photoshop brushes, backgrounds, seamless patterns, textures, grunges and WordPress themes. This is the designer’s haven! And, as all these design elements come from, you can be sure to get top quality! (more…)

Great Resource of Stock Photos

Great Resource of Stock Photos

Have you ever bought images or photographs for your blog or website?  Now, it is the right moment for that because we have found a really amazing resource. Depositphotos is the best place where you can search and find good quality photographs and images. This website is maybe the most advantageous and effective tool for designers or photographers because of the remarkable collection of stock photos and the versatile possibilities of purchasing.

On the website, all the images are protected by intellectual property rights and there is a daily update of the libraries with quality and original artworks. If you are a designer, you can find and buy original images for your project that you really need. You just have to register and many favorably subscriptions and plans will be there that can satisfy you. In addition, there is a great opportunity for those who want to sell their unique stock. It is only needed an image, or more of them to be sent for a review. After the images are reviewed and approved, the selling and earning can start. (more…)

Case Study: Why Simple & Normal Are The Best

Case Study: Why Simple & Normal Are The Best

Internet is a great place! There are countless websites, hence you can find everything you need, and anyone can spend hours without getting bored and the possibilities are unlimited: you can learn a foreign language, a new trade, may consult blogs and online magazines, have some “online” fun with friends etc. All these are possible due to the amazing number of websites. Thinking from the perspective of a website owner the situation is completely different: how to get noticed by Internet users when your online presence is a small drop in a huge ocean? Yes, there is a real challenge to get barely few visitors. This difficult job is reserved for the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialists, but also a skilled web designer may have a substantial contribution. The quality and the originality of a layout are the main factors in the equation of the success and they can’t be ignored. (more…)

How to Attract More Women on Your Website

How to Attract More Women on Your Website

Each online presence is governed by a simple rule, the law of traffic. It means that the importance of a website and its profitability relies heavily on getting more and more visitors. Unfortunately, statistics aren’t favorable for the website owners: the number of websites is increasing in a nearly exponential way, while the number of new Internet users is also increasing but with a considerable lower ratio.

In these circumstances, website designers have turned into online specialized businessmen, applying the rules of marketing in order to obtain the desired results, in fact profit. One of these rules conducted to the idea that it is better to create a website for a specific niche, meaning just for a segment of the total Internet users. More precisely, each online presence has a specific public target. By reducing the potential visitors, it may seem that the chances of a website being visited are reduced, but it must be taken into account that the selected target is interested in your offer and the possibility to land on your website is bigger. Of course, it’s not wrong to launch a general-type website, but its development will turn out to be a very difficult job. (more…)

Protecting Your SEO With Article Marketing

Protecting Your SEO With Article Marketing

Article writing and content production is still a very big part of building a website’s credibility with Google and the internet user community. It is important to know what you are talking about, and it is important to have your articles published on the appropriate sites. Google’s Panda Update gave content and article writing a huge KO not long ago. Sites like ezine, that attracted a lot of attention and articles placed on those sites would come up well in Google search, are all but dead. Content farms, where really poor articles, or not even articles in themselves, just blocks of text, were being used to fool Google into thinking those sites were of value, and therefore the back-links to websites were boosting the rankings of those sites, for no good reason. Online marketing based on articles has had to lift its game. (more…)

How to Protect Your Company’s Logo

How to Protect Your Company’s Logo

When forming your company you took the time and effort to create a distinctive logo. This logo helps your customers to readily identify your company and helps it to stand out from the competition. However, in today’s competitive market, your competition might try to confuse the public by using your logo or one that is very close to it. In order to protect your company and its logo, you will need to register it as a trademark. While many states do not require registration, it is always a good idea to take that additional step. If you will be doing business in multiple states, then you must register your logo with the U.S. Copyright Office. If your business will stay local, then registration with your state should be sufficient.

Follow these necessary steps to protect your logo:

  • Keep a copy of your contract with the person or company that created it.
  • Register your logo with your state.
  • Register your logo with the U.S. Copyright Office if you do business in more than one state.
  • Store these records in a safe place.

This way, you have a record detailing the creation of your logo and proof that the logo belongs to your company. (more…)

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