Three Common SEO Mistakes Even Seasoned Web Designers Make
Search Engine Optimization has been the name of the game in web marketing and website development for many years now. As more and more blogs and sites swarm the web, it has become ever more essential to rank highly within the various search engine hubs online. Without strong SEO tactics, it can be nearly impossible to gain popularity online. A successful website relies completely on visibility on the web. If your site isn’t being seen, there is no way it can ever be very profitable. However, SEO tactics and techniques have in many ways become the burden of the content writer and marketing team. While these are perfectly logical areas for SEO to fall, there are plenty of SEO efforts that can be made in the area of web design. These are three major SEO mistakes that a web designer may make while designing a site that can really harm your site’s web visibility.
Too Much Flash
As many SEO specialists know, a Flash driven website bears no threat to its competitors because they do not rank well on Google. Many web designers use flash because it is great for interesting animations, games, illustrations, slideshows, and pictures. However, Flash just doesn’t make sense as the sole thing on a webpage. Google views Flash sites as websites without any content and, therefore, ranks them poorly. There are some ways to make Flash animation more SEO friendly, but it is still common belief that HTML content is superior. Some Flash is acceptable in your site’s design, but do not let it overpower the entire project. As a web designer, look into CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript programming over Flash animation. (more…)