The Paper You Choose For Your Business Cards Matters!

The Paper You Choose For Your Business Cards Matters!

Business cards are not only alive, but they’re doing just fine in the digital age. Even though our lives have gotten more and more digital, the truth is that we’re still happily clinging to analog touches from the past that truly bring us closer together. Prospective customers want to get to know you, and the act of giving someone your business card definitely says a lot of things without you even saying a word. So what do you think about business cards? Do you have a business card for your business? If you don’t have then check out UPrinting business card printing.

Business cards speak for us. When they are professionally designed and printed, they say that we take business seriously. Your customers want to believe that you will treat their problems with urgency and efficiency, and you don’t give that impression if you’re already cutting corners from the very beginning. Sure, there are plenty of kits to make business cards on your printer, but they do not come close to what a professional printing company can do for you. They tend to make it very obvious to anyone that touches them that they are definitely not professional level business cards, which just hurts you in the long run. In this day and age, you really never know where the next business deal will come from. Don’t you really want to make sure that you can reach out to people and give them something to remember you by? You might even pass along welcome bonuses or deals that come from having the business card in their hand. It’s just a matter of moving forward and thinking about what messages you really do send to your audience. (more…)

Making Sure Your Business Cards Have Impact

Making Sure Your Business Cards Have Impact

When you’re trying to build a business, impact potential is really the biggest thing that you’re going to focus on. In other words, if you really want your business to glow, you really want to make sure that your business has all of the tools it needs from the beginning to be successful. You just need to figure out where to start. So what do you think about business cards? Do you have a business card for your business? If you don’t have then check out UPrinting business card printing.  This is something that’s hard to avoid, because everyone recognizes business cards. You aren’t going to have to stumble around trying to figure out how you’re going to make your business card goals happen — there are straightforward ways of getting them done. (more…)

Are You Thinking About Each and Every Business Card You Give Out – You Should!

Are You Thinking About Each and Every Business Card You Give Out – You Should!

Every business card that you give out to potential suppliers, customers, and promoters has power. A lot of power, actually. And far more power than we’re actually willing to admit. However, it’s time to start thinking about these things, especially if you’re thinking about actually improving your business and taking it to the next level.

A good business card is truly worth its weight in gold. Think about it — most advertising is discarded long before a business card is discarded, if it’s even thrown out at all. Most people want to make sure that their database of potential and useful contacts is as large as possible. So it’s quite possible that once you give someone your business card, they’ll always have it. And you never know when one of their contacts will need something that you can provide as a professional. If they already have your business card in hand, then they’re more likely to recommend you than someone else that they don’t have any contact information for. So why not make sure that you can focus on the bigger picture here? That’s always a good thing, when you really look at it. (more…)

A Business Card is Truly More Memorable Than You Think

A Business Card is Truly More Memorable Than You Think

When it comes time to promote your business, what do you really think about first? Chances are good that you think about flyers, banners, or those big signs that hang outside storefronts. Yet there’s something else that can truly spread your business far and wide, and for a price that truly can fit into just about any business budget. Stumped yet? It’s your business cards. And the truth that you need to hear right here and right now is that business card are actually a lot more memorable than you might think. The reality here is that you need to start thinking about the type of business card that you want, and how it’s going to impact everyone that comes into contact with it. (more…)

How to Create Personalized Christmas e-cards for Friends and Family

How to Create Personalized Christmas e-cards for Friends and Family

Christmas is a time of joy, love, peace and sharing. But with the huge stress of our everyday lives, it is no wonder that most of us forget what Christmas spirit is all about and just look forward to a few days off from work. But that is not the right way to spend Christmas, is it? No, of course not! So why not complete your Christmas shopping for friends and family way before the shops become too rushed? That would give you a lot of time to plan and prepare and gift wrap the presents you want to give. Why not help an elderly neighbor shovel the snow in his yard? After all, Christmas is about giving and goodwill. What’s more, you yourself are going to feel better after you have done something for someone without expecting anything in return.

There are many ways you can enjoy Christmas apart from the usual eating and drinking that marks the festive season. Find out the little ways you can make someone’s festive season happier than he or she expected and you will be a happier person yourself. A great way to show near and dear ones that you have been thinking about them is creating personalized Christmas e-cards. It’s easy and fun and gets you into the holiday spirit. Here are tips on how you can make simple Christmas e-cards.

How To Design Great Christmas Postcards For A Loved One or A Customer

How To Design Great Christmas Postcards For A Loved One or A Customer

Christmas is the best time to get in touch with all old friends from college, neighbors from the native place, relatives, close family members and prospective customers. Also, do not wait until the last minute to pick out best gift for a loved one this year. More importantly, you need to spend some more time on picking out the best Christmas postcard for a loved one this time.

Some of the most important things you shouldn’t do while designing a postcard are:

  1. Do not complicate a Christmas postcard. Try to keep it as clutter-free as possible. Always remember the rule – ‘Simple is elegant’ – in such cases.

  2. Always use short lines in a postcard. Brevity is one of the best traits of a great postcard. The greeting message should be short but meaningful.

  3. Do not use too many pictures. One or two pictures can best tell the story.

  4. Always avoid ‘playful’ and weird fonts. Do not sacrifice readability in any case.

  5. Multi-color text looks great only as long as you are a kid.


The A – Z Guide in Owning a Website for Photographer/Artist

The A – Z Guide in Owning a Website for Photographer/Artist

When you were a baby, the very first thing you learned was the alphabet, right? And people who are just starting to have their own website for photographer or website for artist usually are clueless on what to do, just like babies.

If you are one of them, this alphabet guide would help you jump-start your artist or photographer website.

  • Artwork – You can’t have an artist website without this! Make sure your artwork is easily discernable from all the other features in your site. It’s where your visitors should focus on when they browse your site.
  • Bookmarking – Use social bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon and Digg to drive more traffic to your photographer website. This is good for publicity and SEO.
  • Communication – Always keep a close relationship with your visitors by communicating with them. Also make sure that you give them your contact info through your website.
  • Design – It’s the first thing that visitors will notice on your website. Choose a simple design that relates with your artwork. Don’t go nitty-gritty with the design though – it should be just enough for your site.
  • Easy Navigation – Keep everything simple and organized to ensure that your website can be easily navigated.
  • Facebook – The most visited website in the world – you can’t go wrong with marketing your website here. Make a fan page and add a link on your site so that visitors can suggest it to their friends.
  • Giveaways – It is a very effective marketing strategy as long as you know what you’re doing. Give your visitors freebies, discounts and promos. Everyone falls for them. (more…)
Designing a Brochure – Important Guidelines

Designing a Brochure – Important Guidelines

Creating a professional brochure design is a challenging task. This task is not as easy as writing some signs and billboards. All brochures are not successful because they do not appeal to the target audience. A large number of brochures are not even picked up by the people.

A brochure generally goes through three common stages:

  1. A brochure design hast to be appealing enough to motivate a reader to pick it up from a rack at a shop, library or exhibition. It should stand out and seek the attention of a recipient when he opens the mailbox.

  2. Every person quickly scans a brochure to know whether picking up the brochure from the rack or the mailbox was a mistake.

  3. If a brochure manages to wade through the previous 2 stages, it has to provide some value to the reader in the end.

Before you start designing a brochure, define the objective.

A large number of brochure designers have little or no idea of the actual objective. It is very important to just focus on the direct objective of a brochure instead of talking about a dozen products, company profile or history of a district. A brochure

Consider the target audience.

It is advisable to study demographics of the target audience in such cases. Some important demographics include age, educational qualification, income level etc. Your ultimate objective is to communicate a ‘message’ to the audience and make them act. It is always a good idea to consider the emotional response of a viewer. (more…)

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