Are You Thinking About Each and Every Business Card You Give Out – You Should!
Every business card that you give out to potential suppliers, customers, and promoters has power. A lot of power, actually. And far more power than we’re actually willing to admit. However, it’s time to start thinking about these things, especially if you’re thinking about actually improving your business and taking it to the next level.
A good business card is truly worth its weight in gold. Think about it — most advertising is discarded long before a business card is discarded, if it’s even thrown out at all. Most people want to make sure that their database of potential and useful contacts is as large as possible. So it’s quite possible that once you give someone your business card, they’ll always have it. And you never know when one of their contacts will need something that you can provide as a professional. If they already have your business card in hand, then they’re more likely to recommend you than someone else that they don’t have any contact information for. So why not make sure that you can focus on the bigger picture here? That’s always a good thing, when you really look at it. (more…)