10 Best Photo Editing Apps

10 Best Photo Editing Apps

If you don’t have time to transfer your photos from smartphone to computer for little bit of editing, but you want to get ingenious with your photos as fast as you can, then without a doubt apps are the best thing for you.

We choose 10 best photo editing apps that let you add filters, frames and effects in snap. Once you select your favorite one, simple download it to your smartphone and start using it for photo editing.

1. Snapseed

photo_editing_01If you want to edit your photos quick, enjoyable and powerful then Snapseed designed by NikSoftware is the best thing for you. This company already has many awards for their software products, so they are not new thing on the block. First edition of this app was for iPad in 2011, but soon after that Snapseed launched an Android version. App has some cool tweaks that you can use on your photos, which include very popular vintage filters, adding attractive color, adding beautiful photo frames, or if you want to have some fun just go crazy with special effects. (more…)

Top Betting Websites Give You Great Community Along with Killer Odds

Top Betting Websites Give You Great Community Along with Killer Odds

If there’s one thing that doesn’t get touched on that much in the gaming world online, it would have to be community. After all, you’re not going to be just playing on your own. There are plenty of games at an online casino that are actually about community. Bingo is one of them, because you have to chat with other players as you reach for the big win. You will also find a bit of community even in strategy games like poker. After all, there’s no fun in beating robots. People want to know who you are. They want to know more about you. And we don’t think that this is a bad thing at all. When you feel like you belong to part of a group, you’re going to be feeling strength in numbers. That’s an amazing feeling and it shouldn’t be discounted at all.


You just need to think about the choices that you have before you. You don’t want to find that you can’t go to one casino because it’s really not as popular as meets the eye? This is where you go and find a casino directory that talks about the top betting websites. You’ll get not only the community you crave, but you’ll also get great odds. The best casino and sportsbook combos know that betting is the name of the game. You’re not going to have to worry that you’re getting bad odds. Most bookmarkers are going to have differing odds t a degree, but you should still be fairly well represented in the pack overall.

Now then, one thing that remains is simple: are you going to jump in the fun now? Betting websites let you have a great time but that doesn’t mean that you have to just take on anything and everything. You want to make sure that you truly have things set up properly from the beginning. A well organized casino/sportsbook online is exactly where you need to be, so make sure that you check it out as soon as possible.

After all, you really can’t win if you don’t take things into your own hands, right? Absolutely! That’s why you need to get in the game as soon as you can.

OLX – Best Free Classifieds

OLX – Best Free Classifieds

With the expansion of the online shopping sites there’s also a variety of designs, and a large number of new online shopping sites ignored content in relation to the appearance, and the consumers face difficulties while finding what they are looking for. OLX is a perfect example of how things should look, and the way things work perfectly. Clear and simple design of this free online platform of classifieds, currently working in India offers a wide range of services, from education and jobs as well as the buying and selling of all type of products, is the best way to go, if you want to be the best in your field of job. This site represent the next generation of free online classifieds. Thanks to its simplicity and intuitive design within comprehensive offer, OLX is the one of the most popular web destination in India. From the early days, back in 2006 they work with such a great sense for the customer’s needs, and it’s needless to say why they become number one destination in that part of the World.

On one place you’ll find everything you are looking for, and the best news is that they are going globally, so there are no location barriers anymore. OLX is certainly the place to purchase or advertise almost everything in best and most successful possible way. But, alongside that, there’s also a wide choice of services such as jobs, matrimonial, real estates, communities and classes and the best things is that they offer services in 40 different languages, and in almost hundred countries all over the World. (more…)

Assessing Your Website Needs Properly

Assessing Your Website Needs Properly

If you are building a website, you may be feeling overwhelmed about what to do; but if you want to build it correctly, you should assess your needs and what you want the site to be and do for you. Making a list of what you need and want will help, but you should also make a list of what you can, invest both financially and in terms of time, and what you want the site to do for you and your clients. Once you have these things in place, building your site will be easy.

Know Your Direction

Just like any endeavour you undertake in life, you need to know your goal. With a business it’s easy to say that goal is to make money, but you probably have other goals in mind, too. If you are selling a product to inspire people or a service that will help the environment, these are also goals for you. You are planning to change the world or lives, so you need to include that in the direction or your business plan. Making money should never be the only goal a business has or else your business won’t have much substance.

Know Your Design Needs

Once you have that direction you will know what your site needs to look like. This is another reason why “making money” shouldn’t be the only goal of your business because it’s hard to narrow down a design simply for money-making. If you are selling cloth diapers, for example, and they save people money and help the environment, you may want to consider using green colors in your design since you’re promoting a “green” product. If you are helping people with inspirational materials, put pictures and quotes or music on your site that will uplift people, and be sure to change them often so people don’t get bored with them. There are many web templates out there that can make your design easy to accomplish. (more…)

Photo Reflection Effect Tutorial

Photo Reflection Effect Tutorial

There’s many of you asking is there any solution to create reflection effect in Photoshop like some apps for smartphones does. Well, of course there is, and it is a super easy, so you can add such a reflection to your photos for depth and some complexity. Furthermore once you learn how to make photo reflection effect in Photoshop you will realize that is way better looking then generic apps does.

Creating this effect looks really hard at first glance, but, as I said above, it really isn’t, once you learn few steps. This technique works particularly well on certain images, especially if you are looking for a HDR look. I’m going to show you how to create a reflection, and retains maximum flexibility for post processing image, so you can choose any color background you want, or if you want to put some text on it. (more…)

Top 5 Christmas Designed Wallpapers

Top 5 Christmas Designed Wallpapers

Christmas is for many most beautiful holiday. During Christmas season everybody wants to be happy, to share the love with dearest and to make sweet Christmas decorations. It’s a best part of the year when especially designers can share their creativity and make wonderful Christmas designed elements and pictures.

Because of that we are sharing 5 top Christmas designed wallpapers with you for next Christmas season. Hopefully you will like them. You can use them as desktop wallpaper or you can use them to decorate your website for Christmas holidays.

All of the wallpapers are shared for free on best Christmas wallpaper site Free Christmas Wallpapers:

1. Christmas Winter HD Lights
Christmas Winter HD Lights (more…)

History of Gaming – Infographic

History of Gaming – Infographic

The story of Gaming has seen some interesting milestones in history. Its evolution is both exciting and eclectic. One of history’s most enigmatic general’s, Napoleon, loved the game of Blackjack, while fiction’s most commercial commodity, James Bond, has often been associated with Baccarat. This and more facts are available on Gaming Club’s informative and artistically appealing info graphic which traces the important dates in the progression of one of mankind’s oldest , fun and at times very enriching past times, all of which are now found on online casino (more…)

Post Production Edits to Improve Your Photographs

Post Production Edits to Improve Your Photographs

With such a wide range of post-production editing software now on the market, available for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones, more photographers are looking to enhance the quality of their images after uploading them.

However, the number of features available on programmes like Adobe Photoshop can be overwhelming, meaning it can be easy to either miss useful functions or go overboard, leaving none of the original quality of the image intact.

Here, we explore a few editing options that will tweak rather than transform your work, so that your images are the best they can be. Most professionals are not afraid to admit that they retouch their photos, so don’t feel guilty about doing so yourself.

Enhancing colours

Novice photographers and image editors alike are prone to falling into the trap of adding a black and white filter to every image. However, greyscale doesn’t necessarily equate to artistic, and you should be careful about over-using this type of edit.

Instead, utilise the functionality of post-production software to get the best out of the colours in your photograph. One of the best places to start is with the white balance, as this has a significant impact on the mood an image portrays.

It’s best to get the white balance settings right on your camera prior to making the shot, but you can make adjustments later if the result is not quite right. Changing the balance can help to correct, or enrich if desired, the ‘warmer’ red-whites or the ‘cooler’ blue-whites.

You can also adjust the saturation or hue of different colours through most editing software. This allows you to give a deeper orange glow to a sunset, or even to change the shade of a flower in the background. Experiment with the sliders to find out what works well.

Brightness and contrast

Changing these settings post-production allows you to give life back to photographs that are dull, or to give extra definition to highlights and shadows in an image. Making adaptations means you can make a photo ‘pop’ more, or correct those taken in bad lighting.

Improve sharpness and reduce noise

You can reduce noise – to digital cameras what film grain was to analogues – easily in most editing programmes. It can help to give your image a more ‘smooth’ finish, but it is crucial to avoid overdoing it, as this can compromise the detail of your image.

Increasing the sharpness of an image can help to give more texture to it, a useful function when this is an aspect of the subject you want to highlight. It will also result in more defined edges, which can be beneficial if photos are slightly out of focus.

Creating a focal point

Photographs where the focal point is not sufficiently highlighted will not have the desired impact on a viewer, but post-production edits can help to make different parts of a photograph ‘pop’ to give a more eye-catching result.

If the aperture setting was not optimal at the time of shooting, you can change the depth of field in most software to draw more attention to something in the foreground. You can further enhance your subject with colour and sharpness adjustments.

There are other ways to better draw a viewer’s eye to a focal point using editing tricks – simply using the crop tool to get rid of distracting aspects of the photo can make a huge difference. You can also use selection tools to boost the colour or detail in a particular part of an image.

This article was written on behalf of Jessops, a specialist retailer of photography equipment.

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