OLX – Best Free Classifieds
With the expansion of the online shopping sites there’s also a variety of designs, and a large number of new online shopping sites ignored content in relation to the appearance, and the consumers face difficulties while finding what they are looking for. OLX is a perfect example of how things should look, and the way things work perfectly. Clear and simple design of this free online platform of classifieds, currently working in India offers a wide range of services, from education and jobs as well as the buying and selling of all type of products, is the best way to go, if you want to be the best in your field of job. This site represent the next generation of free online classifieds. Thanks to its simplicity and intuitive design within comprehensive offer, OLX is the one of the most popular web destination in India. From the early days, back in 2006 they work with such a great sense for the customer’s needs, and it’s needless to say why they become number one destination in that part of the World.
On one place you’ll find everything you are looking for, and the best news is that they are going globally, so there are no location barriers anymore. OLX is certainly the place to purchase or advertise almost everything in best and most successful possible way. But, alongside that, there’s also a wide choice of services such as jobs, matrimonial, real estates, communities and classes and the best things is that they offer services in 40 different languages, and in almost hundred countries all over the World.
What many designers are supposed to learn from OLX is multiplatform approach. They not just stick with their site, but grow on other platforms as well. Like all the others big companies, OLX recognized that the multiplatform approach to the business in the best way to get link with costumers, and what better way to do it then YouTube.
OLX has great Follow us on YouTube campaign, and in only couple of months their commercials become viral, because of the mesmerizing sense of humor as well as the approach on the certain subjects. Also, almost everybody like the way they are skillfully designed.
One of their very successful commercial on YouTube channel is named “Old Promise”. They instantly struck chord with this ad, and the counter on YouTube is way over million viewers. So, it’s needless to say that this is the right way to go in business.
On their YouTube channel there are plenty of OLX success story from their customers, where they are sharing their experience in OLX World so that everybody can see how easy is, not only to use OLX, but also how to get successful on it, while selling or buying a variety of things.
You will find hundreds of thousands classified ads on OLX. It is such a great tool for social networking, not only because multiplatform approach, but also because you can very easy find a new job there, or hire people, and meet some brand new friends in the process. So, is you are looking for great business model in online shopping world, then OLX is the perfect one.