Make Your Sidebar Look Better With Best Plugins And Widgets
As designer i have so much freedom with my site. I can put any plugins, write any stories, etc. But not every plugin is good, not every story is nice. So i collected best plugins, that i have expirienced, and used, so you don’t have to try all that bad plugins, i tried. Also if you have any suggestions, if you need any plugins, leave me comment, i will find plugin for you. To go to a plugin/widget page just click on tittle. Enjoy.
1. Who’s Online On Your Blog Widget
This widget is my favourite. Its very simple, easy to install, and the best thing is that it just not taking you lot of space on your blog. Many designers are using this plugin…
2. Alexa And Page Rank Plugin
Alexa and page rank plugin allows you to add Alexa and Page rank to your blog/website. This is very usefull especially for designers.
3. WP Plugin – My Twitter
Xhanch – My Twitter is a WordPress plugin/widget made by Xhanch Studio to show your latest tweets and other stuff related to twitter. This plugin/widget provide customizations to suit your taste and it is also flexible since it can be placed on your sidebar, post or page.
4. Better Tag Cloud Plugin
This can look very good, and its pretty usefull. Don’t take much space, and can be put in sidebar, and also in footer if you have lots of unused space.
5. Get Recent Comments Plugin
If you have many comments this is a right plugin for you. This can be good plugin for your readers too, because it sorts comments. Good to have on your blog.
6. YD Recent Posts Widget
This is also good plugin, like featured posts plugin, it gives your blog a better look, and helps your readers. But you do not need to hold a recent post plugin and featured post plugin, its good to choose one that fits best for you. Together they cut you lots of space, and some stories will be repeted.
7. Yet Another Featured Posts Plugin (YAFPP)
This is very good plugin for your readers, because they can find your posts easier. You need lots of space in sidebar for this plugin, but its advanced, you can set up almost everything you need.
8. Video Player FX
I never used this plugin, but i heard it is very good, so i posted it here. Also there is a same Mp3 Player Fx plugin, so you can choose what you need. Both are high quallity and very advanced.
9. MP3 Player FX
One of the best mp3 player plugins, i heard. Its very advanced, and it is not that simple.
today´s win in application variety aliveness so untold easier than it was before, but experienced group lean to tally difficulties in accepting and discernment much engineering
These look like really great widgets! I think I will use a few of these.