How Do You Train At-Home Employees To Be Security Conscious?
Now that there are millions of people working from home only, what do you as a business do about security concerns? Recent studies show that cyberattacks have only increased now that home networks are the only thing stopping hackers from getting at your business’ vital data. So it’s even more important than ever, to give your employees the right training to be security conscious and be wary of the kind of websites they use on their own machines. It’s not as hard as you might think because, more employees are sharp enough to quickly change habits and understand that they have more responsibility to be aware of security concerns now that they are not working from the office.
At-home threats and silly mistakes
The first and most obvious threat is that they leave their machines and go away to run an errand during lunch. Their child may walk in and start to mess around on their computer and before you know it, there could be a virus or malware on the computer. So the basics go without saying.
- Always log off from a computer when leaving it, and never leave a page open that has sensitive company information, if going away from the machine.
- This goes for bathroom breaks, lunch breaks and even when working late and leaving to check on the meal cooking in the oven.
- Try not to allow anyone to use your router. If someone in your neighborhood tries to log into your router, block them, change the password and notify your provider.
Use a verification system
One great way to only allow employees with the clearance to use special features of your business is to use an online identity verification api. This way only those that have the correct fingerprints, face or voice can log into certain sensitive parts of the business. This allows for very important files to be protected in one of the most secure fashions in the modern era. Our fingerprints are totally unique as are our facial features. This kind of verification is not expensive to run or own either, you just need to have sound updating policies whereby you use a multitude of verification methods and not just biometric.
Anti-Virus software
Do a quick count of how many employees have an anti-virus software on their computer at home. You may find that many of your office employees do but some of your C-suite don’t. This is something you can then work on by offering them an anti-virus software package that businesses can get en masse and on discount. You could also ask them to buy some now that they are working from home or make it a requirement if they only want to work from home.
Now that many businesses have got employees strictly working from home, a new wave of security training may need to be meted out. Simple basic stuff should not be anything new or hard to do, so start there.