Great Resource of Stock Photos
Have you ever bought images or photographs for your blog or website? Now, it is the right moment for that because we have found a really amazing resource. Depositphotos is the best place where you can search and find good quality photographs and images. This website is maybe the most advantageous and effective tool for designers or photographers because of the remarkable collection of stock photos and the versatile possibilities of purchasing.
On the website, all the images are protected by intellectual property rights and there is a daily update of the libraries with quality and original artworks. If you are a designer, you can find and buy original images for your project that you really need. You just have to register and many favorably subscriptions and plans will be there that can satisfy you. In addition, there is a great opportunity for those who want to sell their unique stock. It is only needed an image, or more of them to be sent for a review. After the images are reviewed and approved, the selling and earning can start.
As we mentioned, there are many excellent options for bloggers, advertisers, designers or managers. Millions of high-quality royalty-free stock photos are available at affordable prices, for example, one can choose the “Pay-As-You-Go” option and easily download photos at regular low prices. There are also Subscription Plans that consist of downloading up to 40 photos daily priced as low as 10 cents for each. Also, the downloaded items can be paid through SMS. However, the most interesting among them is the Free Trial Subscription. This incredible opportunity should not be missed. This include absolutely free download of royalty- free stock photos and royalty- free vectors from an unbelievable huge collection of more than 4 millions stock images. All that have to be done is registration (choose the option of Free Trial Subscription when fill out the registration form), activating and free downloading is allowed. During a period of 7 days, 5 images can be downloaded daily without charging. Additionally, the Subscription can be canceled easily if the customer does not want to download anymore. The Free Trial Subscription indeed represents the best way to enjoy in free stock photos and royalty free vectors without any obligation. Is not it extraordinary? Moreover, there are more great opportunities, such as Bonus Images. If one buys images using credits, a Bonus Image will be sent to his account and that additional image is completely free. Each time when the purchasing of an image of certain size is done, an image of the next smaller size is sent as a gift.
Regarding to the benefits for photographers who are willing to sell their artworks and earn money, several author’s levels and statuses are available.We should also mention some generous programs, such as P.P.P or Photographer Promotion Program. This program is available for the most gifted illustrators and photographers. Firstly, illustrators or photographers have to pass through an examination led by Depositphotos in order to participate in this program. The likelihood to be selected is higher if the artist sends larger number of artworks. Finally, the photographer has the chance to earn $0.10 for each uploaded photo up to 500 images.
In conclusion, FAQ deserves special attention. It is done really well, it is concise and clear. All the concerns and questions that one can ask are there in order to inform and navigate thorough the website easily. If there are additional questions, comments or suggestions, they can be answered via e-mail in ContactUs section.
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