Designing Your Home Like an Opulent Casino
It may seem like a rather strange thing to consider, to design your home or a room in your home like a casino. You would certainly not consider it to be opulent if you think of the online casino websites where you can play free casino slots. However, there is something to be said of the fun of this sort of website that could partially inspire a design. However, what would be very elegant is to think more along the lines of a sophisticated Las Vegas casino. Admittedly they do have their own selection of rather more tacky designs, but there are also a great number of grand hotel casinos which have some simply stunning design features. Lots of thought and money have gone into designing some of these buildings and it is from there that you can draw real inspiration.
If you have ever been to Las Vegas and visited the Bellagio, Paris, Venice or any of the more high end casinos, you will understand what I am describing. The beautiful buildings and the sophisticated feel that they have are really something else. These buildings are designed to bring in the very wealthiest of people, either those that are already well off or those that have won significant amounts playing in the casinos. They have some top designer clothes shops and the very best attractions, which need top class designs around them to set them off.
You should choose your best casino and use that design to base yours on. You do not have to stick to the design exactly but pick out your favourite features. Try to work out why they are your favourites and then use that to perhaps come up with new ideas based around them. If you have not been to a Las Vegas or other elegant casino, then you could look online for pictures to see if they inspire you. It will not be the same as the real thing as you will not be able to see the detail or absorb the atmosphere in the same way. However, it will still give you an idea of what they look like and hopefully that will inspire you. You will be surprised at how they look, if you have never seen one and how hard the designers work to make each building stand out from the others and each to look more attractive. Even if you only take away a few ideas, you could end up with a completely unique design.
When you are designing, let your mind run free to start with. Consider what you would ideally like in a design before you then rein it in. You will need to consider the space that you have to use, the size and shape of it and the practicality eventually, but start by coming up with lots of ideas and then see what you can apply afterwards. If you close your mind right at the beginning you may miss valuable ideas that you could potentially adapt to suit your room. There are ways to achieve many things even on a smaller scale or a cheaper budget.
Obviously, your home is on a far smaller scale and you will have to scale down many of the features. You will also find that you will not be able to copy everything. Having a river running through your home with gondolas may simply be impossible, but having a scaled down Italian style sculpture could work. You will obviously need to keep to a simple theme so that you make sure that everything works together. You may just like one main feature with simple features everywhere else so that it stands out. You may prefer to have many features, to give lots of focus. It is wise to consider your home and what would work well in there depending on the size of the rooms and whether there is anything in it that you want to keep. You may want a complete change of everything or you may want to keep certain items and have to work around them.
You will also need to consider budget. Before you start thinking about your design you will need to consider how much you can spend on it. This will have a big effect on what you will be able to buy. If you are good at DIY, design and craft, then you may be able to do a lot of the installation work yourself. You could paint the room, make some pieces of furniture and artwork and maybe even complete the whole design yourself. However, you may find that you will need to buy everything and pay someone to do the decorating and installation. Consider which is right for you and then you will be able to start choosing what items to have in the room.