In the Design Business? Your Website Needs to Showcase Your Talents
If you make your money through your creative talents, be it design, photography, art, or anything else, then you have to pay more attention to your website than the average person does. Your website isn’t just a place for people to find you; it’s a place to show the world your talents, to sell them the idea of who you are and the way you think. Below, we take a look at a few things your website must have. Get them wrong, and it doesn’t matter how talented you are: it’ll be hard to find new business!
Flawless Design
First thing’s first: if you’re in the creative industry, then your website’s design needs to be completely flawless. It should look great, of course, but should also look like….the website of a creative person. Now is now the time to play it safe and mirror just what everybody else is doing. Potential clients will come to you because you’re creative and don’t do things like everybody else. Think outside the box, play around with colors and ideas, and don’t rush the process. Those first impressions will count more than you think,
In with a Bang
And talking of first impressions, think of this: a website that looks good will be a start. A website that takes the visitor on a journey will be even better. If you haven’t yet, look at adding a flash introduction or animation aspect to your website. You’ll be able to do so with javascript, which you can learn by using the software development resources from QASymphony. It might be a grand introduction or just a few twinkling links of text on your homepage, but it’ll make you stand out from the crowd – which is exactly what’s needed when you’re selling your creativity.
Your Work
Of course, people won’t just choose to work with you based on the quality of your website. That might get them in the door, but you’ll have to do more to make the sale. That’s where examples of your work come in. If you’re genuinely talented, then this is all a formality: they’ll see what you can offer and will appreciate your talents. However talented you are, avoid including hundreds and hundreds of samples. There’s no point. Instead, choose a selection of your best work, work that showcases the breadth of your skills, and use them.
Business Underneath
A website that’s all creativity and no business will not be effective. You need to weave in the business side of what you offer effortlessly into the creative side. You can still spruce up your contact information and rates pages, but the information has to be there clearly for all to see.
Remember: People Will Buy What You’re Selling
In the end, you need to remember that people can only make a decision based on what they see, on what you allow them to see. Have confidence in your talents and don’t be afraid to show off a little! When it comes to your website, there’s no place for modesty.