A Twirp’s Guide To Social Media Management Success
Greetings fellow twirps! Are you ready to get your social media management on track for the big time? If so, keep reading for some wise words that this head twirp has learned on her journey, as well as some quick and dirty tips that you can take away and use on the campaign you are currently running.
Know your field
It is vital for social media management success that you know your field. After all, it’s not like running your own personal page now, is it? Knowing your field includes all the social media platforms, but also the area of marketing in general. So you can use the principles present in marketing that are directly applicable to the world of social media.
For example, an understanding of good content and compelling images are necessary for success. As is a grasp of where your social media accounts place in term of the client funneling process.
To get up to speed with marketing, in general, it can help to study the area with under your own steam or through a formal MBA marketing online course, that can be completed in your own time. Then not only will you have the stellar knowledge to impress your colleagues at work, but you will also have a great foundation on which to base your next social media campaign too!
Quick and dirty tip: Find out all about funneling www.convertwithcontent.com
The basics matter
The basics matter in social media management. That means spelling, grammar, and editing. In fact, most social media platforms restrict the number of words that you are allowed, something that can actually make your job easier. After all, there are fewer words to get wrong! Just use that limit to your advantage and make what you say impactful and punchy for maximum effect.
Quick and dirty tip: Use a grammar editor like Grammarly run every post through before you display it.
Don’t be faceless
Social media is a great opportunity to not be just some faceless corporation, but have an approachable personal side as well. That means you need to think carefully about how you relate to your customers. Personable and friendly, but still professional interaction with customers and fans can work well here, and help you build up your online presence in a positive manner.
Quick and dirty tip: Use a banner or profile picture to show you are a real life person
Give them a reason
Lastly, for social media management success, it is vital that you give your fans and customers an incentive to get involved with your brand. This can be through things like rewards, or competitions, or it can be through more sophisticated means such as interactive games and providing access to specialist information direct from your brand.
Just remember to make their effort worthwhile, and you will be able to maintain a steady flow of interest and interaction over social media. Things that will all contribute to your business’ success.
Quick and dirty tip: Find out how to run your own social media competitions at https://smallbiztrends.com.