30 Rivers That Will Make You Love Them
Hi there. Finally i made one post that are for everyone,not just for designers.All these rivers are real,none of these are photoshoped. They are simply beautiful and i hope you will love them.Also all these river photos i found on deviantArt.Thanks to deviantArt users for beautiful river shoots.
Hi there. Finally i made one post that are for everyone,not just for designers.All these rivers are real,none of these are photoshoped. They are simply beautiful and i hope you will love them.Also all these river photos i found on deviantArt.Thanks to deviantArt users for beautiful river shoots.
hi!… the picture n.6 (Arno river, Pisa, Italy) is mine .
Please write my name under that picture or please remove it from your site, otherwise I’ll report that for copyright infragement…
Thank you.
Alessandro Cristallo (www.facebook.com/Alecristallo)
Hi! I found just by chance my own photo here on your/this website.
It is very nice of you to Feature it here, but I’d would appreciate if you also had told me.
I wonder if you maybe can change the photo also, since I’ve had updated it and change my old name “kaze-ai” to “SaraJarts”. Thank you!
Kind Regard Sara
sabai di
Jedenfalls wünsche ich Dir liebe Soja, ganz viel Kraft und alles erdenklich
Gute im Dschungel der heutigen Arbeitswelt.